Another difference is that the predalien move slower when crawling so upright running is preferred most of the time.

I also try to avoid headbites as much as possible, the predalien headbite is slower and more inaccurate than ordinary alien headbite. Unfortunately the bugs in the original game plague the expansion as well, so once again single segment is out of the question. In my opinion the predalien story is the cheapest, they even separated facehugger phase and chestburster phase into two levels leaving only one level for you as an adult predalien. Only three levels to play through, and none of them are very long. If you thought the original AvP 2 was short the expansion will make you even more disappointed. Available in three versions: low quality, medium quality, and high quality h.264. Speed run of Aliens Versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt as the Predalien on normal difficulty done on January 14th, 2006 in 4 segments.